Ever wonder why your network is slow? Well, could somebody else be using it and not telling you? Well if so or if not, then I have a tip and/or trick to help you figure that question out. Ethereal will help you find out who is using your network that you are paying for.
Sadly you have to install another program, WinPcap, which is a packet capture library Ethereal relies on. Basically what WinPcap does for Ethereal is it allows Ethereal to accept any packet it sees.
This is just an introduction and if you want to get right to it, scroll to the last paragraph of the article. Once both are installed, run Ethereal. To see if WinPcap is working, click the capture pull down menu and then Interfaces, and if the packets are increasing you are a go. Once you are satisfied, press the capture button and at the same time open a website (i.e.
Google). Go back to the capture window and see as the number of packets increasing. Stop the capture a little later and navigate the website to one which provides third party ads, such as
Spiral Frog. Once you've found a website like that, start a new capture and then end it later. You'll see different websites show up under packets captured. This is an example of what Ethereal collects when you open Spam email.

If you want to report spammers then all you have to do is open Spam right after you start a new capture and then stop the capture once images are loaded. Try and find the IP address of the server that connected to your computer.
Finally the whole point of this article. Leave Ethereal on for an evening or more and come back and display the "conversations". Sort it by 'address A' and look for unknown data from IP addresses, websites, and email servers. Hopefully you won't have to have a word with your neighbours.