Umbrella Computer

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Imagining surfing the web on a rainy day while using your umbrella. Imagine somebody tapping you on the shoulder on a rainy day and asking to borrow your umbrella to check his e-mail. This is the vision that two Japanese entrepreneurs have in mind. The reason they chose this object was because in Japan it is an everyday object and so they wanted to make it more precious by equipping it with Internet. Now by no means is it ready for production but the Japanese move fast just as much as the rest of the Asians. The umbrella comes equipped with a projector and a camera with the camera being then able to post all pictures taken from it onto Flickr with the help of the internet. Right now the way to access the internet on it is through a laptop which taps into cell phone towers which is unreliable at the moment, but in time, it will be able to access the internet just as well as the cell phone. As well it comes equipped with a GPS system so Google Earth will be able to show the user where they are relative to landmarks.
A cool thing about the umbrella is that the way you scroll through the screen is with a wrist snap of the shaft. I myself find that being able to ‘tag’ photos with places like restaurants and towns, you’d be able to get recommended places that would pop up on the screen when you are near there. So far though, no business or individual has stepped up to help develop and run with the product, so don’t be expecting to see it on the streets of Tokyo any time soon.

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