Smart Houses Part 3

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Kitchen/ Dining Room
The kitchen will be a marvelous thing once you own a smart house. I think the most exciting thing is the storage system. There will be no cupboards at all, except for your fridge, all your food related products you bought will be in a separate storage space. Once your computer knows what you eat everyday, it'll bring out that product with everything else you need to prepare it. For a teenager, they usually eat cereal, so once the computer learns that in less than a week, it will bring up the cereal to the special area where it brings the products up. If the computer gets it wrong you just push it back and ask for something else.
The computer tracks all your items with tags. These tags will be able to let computers know the price and what it is. No more cashiers, but that means your shopping experience is much faster. When you get home and load it in your fridge or send it to your storage space, the computers wil be able to recognize each and every one. This comes in handy when you're at the store and you forget how many eggs or milk you have. All you do is call or text your computer and ask. Your answer comes back instantly. Another great thing about this system is that when you are ready to prepare a meal, bring out some of the items and the counter will be able to suggest some meals. Select one and it will give you the instructions. The dining room will be capable of changing the design of the tabletop which can also be applied to any other table. The example that Microsoft used is for a children's party. There can be planes and they will be able to fly them around the table. The same technology is used for the Microsoft Surface. There is a promotional video at Youtube. This technology is right now only going to be sold to companies for there own use. By the time smart houses are common, the technology will be cheap enough to incorporate throughout the house. The drawback to this system is that it is designed my Microsoft, but hopefully they will make it compatible with other parts like the fridge, counter, and storage centre. If not, competition and the court will take care of that.
Microsoft has developed technology that will be able to display images along the walls of rooms. This technology was made for bedrooms, but mostly for children who like changes often, and the images depicted on the walls can be changed with the touch of a button. In the bedroom, as the computer learns your usual wakeup time, it will start opening the curtains at a certain time to let in the light acting as a natural alarm clock. While you are sleeping in the bedroom, the computer will check out vital stats of your health much like the system used in The Island except there will be no need for urine samples and you won't be cloned. Great movie if you're interested.

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