Technology has brought us so far and coupling them together can bring some pretty innovative new things to our world. One of these things is GetABuz, a voiceplayer for your webpage, blog, MySpace, or Facebook. It is exactly like a voicemail, except it works on the Internet and uses a microphone or a cell phone to record and listen to messages online. To spice up your messages, you can make voice greetings with music that is preloaded on the website or you can upload your own. Either way, the music is free the very first time and costs around 50 cents to use in another message. The only way you can get free background music is if you refer a friend. One friend referral equals a free song.

To listen to messages left by visitors to your website, you can either go to your page, or you can listen to them via your cell phone if you choose. Friends can also send messages from there phone to your page and be optionally sent to your cell phone straight away.
The Voice Messager is absolutely free and you can customize it almost any way you like including the colour and picture. This is all put into HTML and is then very easy to put on your page. Finally you go back to GetaBuz and personalize your greeting to welcome your visitors everytime they come to your page with your favourite music and a clip of your own voice. No need to copy a new code, it's all automated which saves a whole lot of time.
For Canada the cell phone service won't be available but hopefully it's in the works. US carriers that can use the sites cell phone service include: Virgin, T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. To get more information go to
Hi Twigz, its Naser, owner of the Bunch of me blog. Glad to know that you liked my design. Actually, my blog has a core designed alike the "K2 Wordpress theme". All the other additions like comment boxes, search field,header image,optional CSS/javascript, buttons etc are either my work or modified by myself from a 3-rd party source. You can check out the K2 For blogger template I used over here. Perhaps you can made some mods of your own. Although, I like your current design too :)
And yeah, sure you can use some of my template elements. But I'd appreciate if you don't use the same header image and perhaps leave a small credit message in your footer :)
Have fun blogging.