A good friend of mine at CutEdge let me in on a secret, or I just went to his site and read a couple articles. I enjoyed them and took him up on his offerings to join Adrive and MediaMaster.
"For the couple of days I���ve been using ADrive, I���ve been able to access it 24/7, both at school when I need data and at home when I do the homework."

This is a great program because as it's slogan states, "Your Music, Anywhere". It's the perfect slogan as users can upload music to the website and play them from any other computer with an internet conneciton. Setup is easy and with no downloads necessary. They have an uploader but it works all on the internet and uploads at relatively decent speeds. By no means is it speedy as one song took around 5min to upload a 4300kb file with only 5 files set to upload. The more you add to the task, the slower it operates and slows down your computer. One thing I love about this site is the album art. Offered on iTunes and Windows Media Player, MediaMaster is by far the best at it. If it gets anything about the album wrong, you can change it, entering in a different artist, album name, and lets you select a different album art based on that info. 
I noticed a few drawbacks at first to actually playing the songs. I couldn't figure out why, when I double-clicked the track, it wouldn't play. I am a little impatient so within a couple seconds, I double-clicked another track. Little did I know that this site is streaming the music to you and it takes a little bit of time to load it. Wait approxiametelely 5sec and the music will start playing. Another quirk I noticed when you select an album, it shows you all the songs on that album, but bolds the one you uploaded. This can get a little annoying but gives you a quick reference to the albums track list. Finally, I must say that the experience is great and I'm extremely happy with the quality of the service. The music stream is constant and does not provide any interuptions and it does it all with a nice clean interface.