Buying an HDTV has never been harder and now with LCD fast approaching Plasma set prices, it's getting even harder to differentiate them. That's where I come in. I'll give you the lowdown on the advantages and disadvantages of each platform and I'll help you make the better choice.
An LCD HDTV seems to be the right choice at first with it's higher price and with more sizes to choos from,
LCD would seem the hands down choice. Wrong (for now). While LCD has made significant strides in the past years, Plasma still has the edge over LCD. If you are looking for a smaller screen size then LCD may be your only choice but with fairly good picture and decent viewing angles it isn't the worst thing. One of the huge advantages of LCD is there is no burn-in produced after static images but they do suffer from retained pixel charge which basically means some pixels will stay at a certain spot. The other key advantage is LCD TVs have a higher native resolution. Basicaly what that means is a 42 inch LCD TV will have more pixels than a 42 inch Plasma TV which results in a slightly better picture. They also weigh less and are more durable so personally installing your LCD TV is possible. They don't overheat and are more energy efficient so it can be a more of an environmental choice for people that are trying to cut there energy bill.

We are considering a Plasma HDTV because it is better for watching sports with rich colours and
deeper blacks. This can also help the picture for regular use and movies. They do suck up more power and suffer from burn-in but if you are pro-active, this will never be an issue because burn-in happens when you leave a static image for too long (pausing a video game or live TV). They are cheaper which is surprising because they are more expensive to ship and handle. If you are mounting it, a professional would be highly recommended and would come with a price tag. Plasmas have a wider viewing angle than LCDs which can be a factor if you have a large room.

Best Buys
Pioneer is by far the best bet for a plasma TV but they will run a little more on the price side. If you are looking for a more bang for your buck, then a Panasonic plasma will be good, just ahead of a Samsung. My two favourite Plasmas are the Pioneer PDP-4360HD ($1700) and Panasonic TH-42PZ700U ($1500).
My favourite LCD is a Sony KDL-46XBR4 ($3000). All three of these TVs are 46-inch (except the Panasonic- 42inch) which I believe most people do buy. Note: US prices.
Canadian retailers
Panasonic TH-42PZ700-ShopBot has a list of retailers including Henry's and The Brick from $2500-$3100.
Pioneer PDP 4360HD-Not sold in Canada but similar model PDP-4280HD at Best Buy for $3000.
Sony KDL-46XBR4-ShopBot has a list of retailers including Sony Style Canada. for $3300