Are you an iPhone owner with some time on your hands. We'll have I got a site for you. This is an online community dedicated to providing you with a fix for your Apple iPhone. If you are an iPhone SDK Developer then this site is for you as well. They just opened a chat room so you can interact much more easily on their site with technical support and more. For those of you people who have no clue what an iPhone SDK Developer is, you aren't alone. First off it stands for iPhone Software Development Kit which empowers developers to plug gaps in the iPhone’s functionality.
With Planet iPhone, you'll have access to forums, downloads, applications, chat, and more. It's an interactive site where you'll be able to share and learn many new things. The website also is good at keeping you updated with news and events related to the Apple iPhone and sometimes iPod Touch. For example, they have a new story on ZiPhone 3.0, an application for your iPhone. I highly recommend this website to all you iPhone owners as it will help you expand your iPhone to do more incredible things. Learn more about iPhone SDK Developers here.