Paint Your House Solar

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Since we are in a day and age when being environmentally responsible is very important so I will start looking at this more and here is the first edition of how you can be more environmentally friendly. This is only for homeowners in the near future as the whole point of this future product is to have solar power absorbed from all over your house at all times of the day. Nobody looks forward to painting but now everybody will as this paint will absorb the solar power when applied to flexible plastic sheets. The science behind this is carbon nanotubes and carbon Buckyball molecule will be able to create molecular structures and then generate energy in the polymer backing which in turn releases electrons. The Buckyball molecule will then capture the electrons and flow them towards a predetermined direction with a nanotube.
It is exciting just to think about this and wants me to buy a home just to use this product as it will be affordable when released and be more practical and better looking as not many people want solar panels on top of their roof although I wouldn't mind it as it looks modern and hi-tech and who looks on the roof? Anyways, when you do have that home, or if you already do, keep an eye out for this product as it is the biggest development in solar technology in a year. My only question is how do you get the energy concentrated to the power generator. In due time, this process will be easier to apply to your home as they expect to be able to use the same technology and apply it to printers. How this works? I don't know but you'll be able to print off the plastic sheet with the technology on the flexible plastic sheets.

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